The best solution would be setting an access on the applications level but unfortunately security.yml in the app config directory doesn't allow it.
//it won't work! all: is_secure: on credentials: [[admin, app1]]
The solution is custom filter which will parse that yaml for us. So first, lets setup the security.yml so it could be understood by our filter:
all: is_secure: off credentials: [[admin, app1]]
The "is_secure: off" value is needed to disable default symfony behaviour. Next, we have to create a mySecurityFilter.php file in apps/app1/lib directory.
class mySecurityFilter extends sfGuardBasicSecurityFilter { public function execute($filterChain) { if ($this->isFirstCall()) { $context = $this->getContext(); $user = $context->getUser(); $strModule = $context->getModuleName(); $controller = $context->getController(); $action = $context->getActionName(); if($user->isAuthenticated()) { if($action!='signout' && $action!='noauth') { $config = sfYaml::load(SF_ROOT_DIR.'/apps/app1/config/security.yml'); if(!empty($config)) { if(array_key_exists($strModule,$config)) { if($user->hasCredential($config[$strModule]['credentials'])) { $filterChain->execute(); return; } else { $controller->forward('errorPage', 'noauth'); throw new sfStopException(); } } elseif(array_key_exists('all',$config)) { if($user->hasCredential($config['all']['credentials'])) { $filterChain->execute(); return; } else { $controller->forward('errorPage', 'noauth'); throw new sfStopException(); } } } } } else { // the user is not authenticated $controller->forward(sfConfig::get('sf_login_module'),sfConfig::get('sf_login_action')); throw new sfStopException(); } } $filterChain->execute(); } }
The last step is to notice symfony about existence of our filter and when it should be launched:
mySecurityFilter: class: mySecurityFilter rendering: ~ web_debug: ~ security: ~ cache: ~ common: ~ flash: ~ execution: ~Now clear cache and that's all, now only users with credentials specified in the app security.yml will have access to actions in that application!
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